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WHY I GRIND Digital Profile / 3 Videos Membership WHY I GRIND Digital Profile / 3 Videos

WHY I GRIND Digital Profile

Join today and let the world see WHY YOU GRIND!

Stand out as a student-athlete with the WHY I GRIND Digital Profile. Your membership includes 3 professionally crafted 2-minute videos (MAX) designed to showcase your passion, dedication, and unique story.

After signing up, we’ll contact you via email to schedule your personalized episodes.

Your 3 Exclusive Video Episodes:

  1. WHY I GRIND: Share the passion and purpose that drives you as an athlete.

  2. GRINDING FOR GRADES: Highlight your academic dedication and success in the classroom.

  3. Character Counts: Parents share who their athlete is outside of sports.

Why Create Your WHY I GRIND Profile?

⭐ Showcase Your Story: Highlight your journey, goals, and achievements.
📈 Gain Massive Exposure: Your profile will be shared with our 70K+ followers on X (@playbookathlete) and TikTok.
🏆 Build Your Brand: Become more than just an athlete and create a lasting impact.
🤝 Connect with Coaches: Get noticed by college recruiters and decision-makers.

Your membership comes with social media amplification!
📢 Mention @playbookathlete in your tweets/posts, and we’ll retweet them to our 70K+ followers—helping you amplify your voice and get noticed.

Membership Renews Automatically

(Cancel Anytime)

Total (including taxes)
USD $850.00
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